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Full Papers in Thomson Reuters ISI Indexed Journals:

  1. Md Azher Uddin, Joolekha bibi Joolee, Young-Koo Lee and Kyung-Ah Sohn, "A Novel Multi-Modal Network-based Dynamic Scene Understanding", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, (Impact factor: 3.144), 2021 (Accepted for publication).

  2. Md Azher Uddin, Joolekha bibi Joolee, and Kyung-Ah Sohn, " Dynamic Facial Expression Understanding Using Deep Spatiotemporal LDSP On Spark ", IEEE Access, (Impact Factor: 3.367) 2021.

  3. Md Azher Uddin, Joolekha Bibi Joolee, and Young-Koo Lee, "Depression Level Prediction Using Deep Spatiotemporal Features and Multilayer Bi-LTSM", IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TAFFC.2020.2970418 (Impact Factor: 10.506), 2020.

  4. Md Azher Uddin, Aftab Alam, Nguyen Anh Tu, Md Siyamul Islam and Young-Koo Lee, "SIAT: A Distributed Video Analytics Framework for Intelligent Video Surveillance", Symmetry, DOI: 10.3390/sym11070911, (Impact Factor: 2.713), 2019.

  5. Md Azher Uddin and Young-Koo Lee, "Feature Fusion of Deep Spatial Features and Handcrafted Spatiotemporal Features for Human Action Recognition", Sensors, DOI: 10.3390/s19071599, (Impact Factor: 3.576) 2019.

  6. Md Azher Uddin, Mostafijur Rahman Akhond and Young-Koo Lee, "Dynamic Scene Recognition using Spatiotemporal based DLTP on Spark", IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS. 2018.2878865, (Impact Factor: 3.367) 2018.

  7. Md Azher Uddin, Joolekha bibi Joolee, Aftab Alam and Young-Koo Lee, "Human Action Recognition using Adaptive Local Motion Descriptor in Spark", IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2759225, (Impact Factor: 3.367) 2017.

  8. Md Anwarul Islam, Md Azher Uddin, Young-Koo Lee, "A Distributed Automatic Video Annotation Platform", Applied Sciences (Impact Factor: 2.679), 2020.

  9. Joolekha Bibi Joolee, Md Azher Uddin, Jawad Khan, Taeyeon Kim and Young-Koo Lee, “A Novel Lightweight Approach for Video Retrieval on Mobile Augmented Reality Environment”, Applied Sciences, DOI: 10.3390/app8101860, (Impact Factor: 2.679), 2018.

  10. Weihua Xu, Md Azher Uddin, Batjargal Dolgorsuren, Mostafijur Rahman Akhond, Kifayat Ullah Khan, Md Ibrahim Hossain and Young-Koo Lee, “Similarity Estimation for Large-Scale Human Action Video Data on Spark”, Applied Sciences, DOI: 10.3390/app8050778, (Impact Factor: 2.679), 2018.

  11. Kifayat Ullah Khan, Aftab Alam, Md Azher Uddin, Batjargal Dolgorsuren, Uijeong Sang, Muhammad Umair, Van T.T Duong, Xu Weihua and Young-Koo Lee, "LPaMI: Graph-based Lifestyle Patterns Mining Application using Personal Images Collection in a Smart Phone", Applied Sciences, DOI: 10.3390/app7121200, (Impact Factor: 2.679), 2017.

Full Papers in Other Journals:

  1. Md Azher Uddin, Nguyen Anh Tu, Elena and Young-Koo Lee, "Product Recommendation System based on Visual similarity for Internet Shopping", KIISE Database Society of Korea, 2016.

  2. Md Azher Uddin, "Handwritten Bangla Character Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network", IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2014.

  3. Md Azher Uddin, "Handwritten Bangla character recognition using normalized cross correlation", IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 2014.

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

  1. Md Azher Uddin, and Young-Koo Lee, “Dynamic Facial Emotion Recognition Using Deep Spatial Feature and Handcrafted Spatiotemporal Feature On Spark”, IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing 2020.

  2. Md Azher Uddin, Md Anwarul Islam and Young-Koo Lee, " Two Streams Convolutional Network with Stacked ConvLSTM for Dynamic Texture Recognition", Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2020. (Best Paper Award)

  3. Md Azher Uddin, Md Anwarul Islam and Young-Koo Lee, "Dynamic Texture Recognition using Volume Local Transitional Pattern", Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2019. (Best Paper Award)

  4. Md Azher Uddin and Young-Koo Lee, "A Novel Approach for Dynamic Texture Recognition using Volume Local Directional Quaternary Pattern ", Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2018.

  5. Md. Azher Uddin and Young-Koo Lee, "Outdoor Scene Recognition from Videos using LGTP-TOP in Apache Spark", In the proceedings of 5th International Conference on Big Data Applications and Services (5th BIGDAS), 2017.

  6. Md Azher Uddin, Joolekha Bibi Joolee, Shayhan Ameen Chowdhury, "Bangladeshi Vehicle Digital License Plate Recognition for Metropolitan Cities Using Support Vector Machine", International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology, 2016.

  7. Md Azher Uddin, Shayhan Ameen Chowdhury, "Hand sign language recognition for Bangla alphabet using Support Vector Machine", International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), 2016.

  8. Md Azher Uddin, Shayhan Ameen Chowdhury, "An integrated approach to classify gender and ethnicity", International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), 2016.

  9. Md Azher Uddin, Taeyeon Kim and Young-Koo Lee, "A Combined technique to content based image retrieval", Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2016.

  10. Md Anwarul Islam, Md Azher Uddin, Young-Koo Lee, " Distributed Video Annotation on Top of Spark", Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2020.

  11. Md Anwarul Islam, Md Azher Uddin, Young-Koo Lee, "Texture Recognition for Color Image Using 3 Channels Approach", Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2019.

  12. Muhammad Numan Khan, Aftab Alam, Md Azher Uddin, Young-Koo Lee, "SurVRet: Distributed surveillance video retrieval on large-scale video data using deep learning", Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2019.

  13. Aftab Alam, Jawad Khan, Md Azher Uddin, Muhammad Numan Khan, Irfan Ullah, Young-Koo Lee, "Higher-Level Context Inferences based on Ontology for Intelligent Video Surveillance", Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2019.

  14. Md Siyamul Islam, Aftab Alam, Md Azher Uddin, Md Anwarul Islam, Umair Qudus, and Young-Koo Lee, "Distributed Real-Time Video Stream Analytics on top of Spark", Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2018.

  15. Tangina Sultana, Md Delowar Hossain, Md Azher Uddin, Nguyen Anh Tu, and Young-Koo Lee, "Performance Analysis of Break Point Value Based Face Detection Algorithm", Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2018.

  16. Md Anwarul Islam, Md Azher Uddin, Md Siyamul Islam, Young-Koo Lee, "A Bundle Based framework for video processing on Spark", Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2018.

  17. MR Akhond, A Alam, Md Azher Uddin, KU Khan, Young-Koo Lee, "Distance-based Community Search in edge weighted Network", Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2018.

  18. Aftab Alam, Nguyen Anh Tu, Md Azher Uddin, Taeyeon Kim, and Young-Koo Lee, "Architecture for Intelligent CCTV Cloud Platform", Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2016.

  19. Md Taufeeq Uddin, Md Azher Uddin, "A guided random forest based feature selection approach for activity recognition", International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Communication Technology (ICEEICT),2015.

  20. Md Taufeeq Uddin, Md Azher Uddin, "Human activity recognition from wearable sensors using extremely randomized trees", International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Communication Technology (ICEEICT),2015.


  1. Young-Koo Lee, Md Azher Uddin, and Uijeong Sang, “Method and System for Action Recognition”, Korea Patent Registration, 2019.

  2. Young-Koo Lee, Taeyeon Kim and Md Azher Uddin, "Method, Apparatus, System and Computer Program for Image Retrieval", Korea Patent Registration, 2018.

  3. Young-Koo Lee, Md Azher Uddin, "METHOD AND DEVICE FOR OBJECT AWARENESS IN VIDEO", Korea Patent Application, 2020.

  4. Young-Koo Lee, Taeyeon Kim and Md Azher Uddin, "Method and Device for Estimating Similarity of Video", Korea Patent Application, 2020.

  5. Young-Koo Lee, Joolee Joolekha Bibi, Md Azher Uddin, "Method, Apparatus, System and Computer Program for Image Retrieval Based on Local Color Difference", Korea Patent Application, 2020.

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