Project | 01
Vibrotactile Feedback and Sound Rendering
Project | 02
SIAT: A Distributed Video Analytics Framework for Intelligent Video Surveillance
In recent years, the amount of intelligent CCTV cameras installed in public places for surveillance has increased enormously and as a result, a large amount of video data is produced every moment. Due to this situation, there is an increasing request for the distributed processing of large-scale video data. In an intelligent video analytics platform, a submitted unstructured video undergoes several multidisciplinary algorithms with the aim of extracting insights and making them searchable and understandable for both humans and machines. Video analytics has applications ranging from surveillance to video content management. In this context, various industrial and scholarly solutions exist. However, most of the existing solutions rely on a traditional client/server framework to perform face and object recognition while lacking the support for more complex application scenarios. Furthermore, these frameworks are rarely handled in a scalable manner using distributed computing. Besides, existing works do not provide any support for low-level distributed video processing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). They also failed to address a complete service-oriented ecosystem to meet the growing demands of consumers, researchers, and developers. In order to overcome these issues, in this paper, we propose a distributed video analytics framework for intelligent video surveillance known as SIAT. The proposed framework is able to process both the real-time video streams and batch video analytics. Furthermore, we introduce a distributed video processing and mining library on top of Spark. Our work not only limited by providing basic distributed video processing APIs, but it also provides distributed dynamic feature extraction APIs which extracts the prominent information the video data. SIAT exploits state-of-the-art distributed computing technologies with the aim to ensure scalability, effectiveness, and fault-tolerance. Lastly, we implant and evaluate our proposed framework with the goal to authenticate our claims.

Project | 03
Graph-based Lifestyle Patterns Mining Application using Personal Images Collection in a Smart Phone
Normally, individuals use smartphones for a variety of purposes like photography, schedule planning, playing games, and so on, apart from benefiting from the core tasks of call-making and short messaging. These services are sources of personal data generation. Therefore, any application that utilises personal data of a user from his/her smartphone is truly a great witness of his/her interests and this information can be used for various personalised services. In this paper, we present Lifestyle Pattern MIning (LPaMI), which is a personalised application for mining the lifestyle patterns of a smartphone user. LPaMI uses the personal photograph collections of a user, which reflect the day-to-day photos taken by a smartphone, to recognise scenes (called objects of interest in our work). These are then mined to discover lifestyle patterns. The uniqueness of LPaMI lies in our graph-based approach to mining the patterns of interest. Modelling of data in the form of graphs is effective in preserving the lifestyle behaviour maintained over the passage of time. Graph-modelled lifestyle data enables us to apply variety of graph mining techniques for pattern discovery. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal, we have developed a prototype system for LPaMI to implement its end-to-end pipeline. We have also conducted an extensive evaluation for various phases of LPaMI using different real-world datasets. We understand that the output of LPaMI can be utilised for variety of pattern discovery application areas like trip and food recommendations, shopping, and so on.

Project | 04
Video Retrieval on Mobile Augmented Reality Environment
Mobile Augmented Reality merges the virtual objects with real world on mobile devices, while video retrieval brings out the similar looking videos from the large-scale video dataset. Since mobile augmented reality application demands the real-time interaction and operation, we need to process and interact in real-time. Furthermore, augmented reality based virtual objects can be poorly textured. In order to resolve the above mentioned issues, in this research, we propose a novel, fast and robust approach for retrieving videos on the mobile augmented reality environment using an image and video queries. In the beginning, Top-K key-frames are extracted from the videos which significantly increases the efficiency. Secondly, we introduce a novel frame based feature extraction method, namely Pyramid Ternary Histogram of Oriented Gradient (PTHOG) to extract the shape feature from the virtual objects in an effective and efficient manner. Thirdly, we utilize the Double-Bit Quantization (DBQ) based hashing to accomplish the nearest neighbor search efficiently, which produce the candidate list of videos. Lastly, the similarity measure is performed to re-rank the videos which are obtained from the candidate list. An extensive experimental analysis is performed in order to verify our claims.